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Swarovski Letra Bracelet Kit Instructions

Swarovski Letra Bracelet Kit Instructions

Unpack your kit.

Cut 10 inches of cord and set aside 

Cut remaining cord in half 

Prep each end of the cord with either glue or lighter pulling it out and making it stiff cut to a point. 

Begin stringing a silver cube on each cord, followed by a green stairway, silver cubes, pink stairway, silver cubes, blue stairway. 

Repeat bead pattern. 

Make sure you have equal length of chord on each side 

Pull your beads in place Create a double knot on 1 side. 

Repeat on other side of the bracelet.

On your knot trim off 1 of the cord, and secure with glue or lighter Cross cords over each other and create your macrame knots. 

create a knot

 Add a silver round to the end of each cord and create a knot.



Updated on 05 Jul 2024