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Spring Butterfly Sun Catcher Instructions

Begin by opening all of your jump rings.  

Lay your bead pattern out following the image above.

We will begin at the first connection at the bottom and move up.

Connect your solid dark purple acrylic butterfly to the bottom of an eye-pin and close.

On the eye-pin add the following.

Swarovski Bicone / Small Swarovski Butterfly / 2 Swarovski Bicones / Large Swarovski Butterfly / 2 Swarovski Bicones / Small Swarovski Butterfly / Swarovski Bicone

Wrap your eye-pin (make sure the loop will accommodate a jump ring), and trim excess wire.

Use another jump ring to connect your wrapped eye-pin to your light purple cut our butterfly.

Connect your light purple cut out butterfly to the bottom of an eye-pin and close.

On the eye-pin add the following. 
 Swarovski Bicone / Small Swarovski Butterfly / 2 Swarovski Bicones / Large Swarovski Butterfly / 2 Swarovski Bicones / Small Swarovski Butterfly / Swarovski Bicone
Repeat with your next cut out butterfly, and eye-pin.
Use your remaining jump ring to connect your last acrylic butterfly to the inside of the dark purple cut-out butterfly. 


Updated on 20 Sep 2022