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Vintage Swarovski Rocky Cut Necklace Kit Instructions

Vintage Swarovski Rocky Cut Necklace Kit InstructionsInstructions:

Step 1: Unpack your jewelry making kit.

Step 2: Connect one of your eye pins to the end of your chain.

Step 3: Add a 3mm silver bead to the eye pin.

Step 4: Wrap the wire end of the eye pin around the loop of your clasp to secure it, and trim any excess wire with your wire cutters.

Step 5: Run the chain through your 11mm Rocky Crystal bead.

Step 6: Check the length of the necklace and trim the chain if needed.

Step 7: Connect your second eye pin to the end of the trimmed chain.

Step 8: Add another 3mm silver bead to the eye pin.

Step 9: Wrap the wire end of the eye pin around your closed ring to secure it.

Step 10: Again, trim any excess wire using your wire cutters.

Your necklace is now complete! You can now enjoy wearing your handcrafted jewelry or give it as a special gift.



Updated on 14 May 2024